


PRLHS is very proud to offer forestry courses each semester.  The courses, Forestry and Advanced Forestry teach the students the fundamentals of forestry utilizing 20 forested acres of school property to incorporate real-world techniques and scenarios. Our students also benefit from the partnerships and close association with the following community groups:  the Priest Community Forest Connection, Priest River Experimental Forest, Idaho Forest Group and Mike Reynolds Logging. These groups help students to experience various aspects of stewardship of our forests, management of forest and timber, the timber industry.  They provide these opportunities through field trips, job site visitations, mill tours, guest speakers, and the Idaho State Forestry Contest.



PRLHS Advisory will meet twice a month in an area designated by the advisor. PRLHS Advisory is to provide our students and the assigned advisor a designated time to monitor academic progress and manage academic, future education and career goals. Advisory may also cover community service and other educational opportunities and the value of your high school experience. Advisory will also be used to hold class meetings and disseminate class information. In addition, advisory will help prepare the 2014 senior class and following classes meet the graduation requirements.



All grades, activities, and special test results are kept on a permanent student record file in the office. Institutions of higher learning, potential employers, and military services may request student transcripts and/or records. Students and parents are free to examine all materials contained in the student record. However, student records are confidential and will not be released without prior consent from the student or the parent if the student has not reached the age of eighteen (18).

Past PRLHS graduates may make a written request to the Office of the Registrar at Priest River Lamanna High School if the high school graduation year is within two years of the current year.  If it is past the two year mark all transcripts must be made to the school district's central office.

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